A Statement on the 2024 Safety of Rwanda Act

We stand with migrants simply because they are people, above and beyond anything else.

They, we, are human beings with basic rights to exist where we can survive and live with dignity. Movement and mobility have always been celebrated in history by conquering victors; the irony of now vilifying those who are in simple pursuit of safety.

The Safety of Rwanda Act 2024 (#RwandaBill) is a piece of inhumane legislation that will consign people who are already traumatised by war and repression to new levels of distress and deprivation. It is an abrogation of the UK government’s responsibility to protect and safeguard people seeking asylum. These most vulnerable people who already suffer from mental and physical health problems will be further subject to further humiliation and indignity.

Kanlungan and its partners will continue to oppose and campaign against the UK government’s immoral and punitive migration policies until it is recognised that no human is illegal, and all people have the right to move. 

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