Curating The Mind

Curating The Mind


Curating the Mind is a Kanlungan Filipino Consortium project funded by the People’s Health Trust. It is anchored within community-working principles and draws on the creative arts to address mental wellbeing.

Our approach is to hold free community-based creative activities and courses to inspire and empower mental health wellbeing among-st the Filipino migrants residing in the areas of Waltham Forest and Newham. Working closely with community partners and local residents, we are offering a supportive and nurturing environment that provides a safe and open platform to address what are often perceived to be difficult and pressing issues in regards the community’s psychological, social and mental well being.

Our creative and collaborative approach aim to heighten both the individual and the community’s self-awareness, encourage self-expression, open dialogue, mutual learning and support, through the use of various art and creative media exercises which can be considered as complementary strategies and mechanisms in maintaining good mental well being.

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