Get Involved – Volunteer with us


Donate in kind by donating your time. Get in touch and start changing lives today.

Guidelines for Volunteers

If you have signed up to become Kanlungan volunteers, you will be covered by our insurance and get reimbursement for costs of food and groceries for the beneficiaries. Please read and follow our guideline below. It is your responsibility to keep your self and others safe and protected. Please follow the guidelines.

Volunteer Safety

1. Volunteers should wear protective mask and gloves when going outside the house.
2. Volunteers should bring disposable tissue and hand sanitizers and clean yourself regularly.
3. Social distancing should be observed all the time, while travelling and talking to beneficiaries.
4. Volunteers with mild fever and flu should quarantine instead of attending to work.
5. Volunteers should be in pairs when traveling for security reasons. Mobiles phones should be fully charged and the numbers of the police and Kanlungan numbers should be saved in the phonebook.
6. In case of street harassments with strangers, volunteers should report it to the police and use your mobile video camera to document the incident.
7. Observe NHS guidelines on keeping safe and heathy, links below:

II. Documentation

1. Always bring papers and pens with you to get the names, phone number, problems/issues, resolutions, employers’ name if employed and the address of the client-beneficiary and how many benefited. This information should be properly logged in Kanlungan’s online log-sheet before and after the meeting.
2. Volunteers should take a photo of the clients who are receiving the goods provided, or if leaving at their doors, photos of goods at the door with the address, for documentation.
3. Photos should be sent as soon as possible to our social media messenger.

III. Reimbursements and donations

1. If volunteers are offered donations and/or payments for the goods delivered, the volunteer should take a picture of the money donated with a written amount on paper and signed by the volunteer. The Volunteer Coordinator should be informed immediately and money should be deposited to Kanlungan account. The Coordinator, upon receipt of donations, will immediately write/message the donors thanking them for the donation.
2. Volunteers should keep the receipts of all the transactions related to the performance of their tasks ie. food, transportation, and other miscellaneous costs incurred.
Client-beneficiaries, if possible, should sign at the back of receipts.
3. Volunteers should take a photo of the receipts and send it to together with volunteers’ bank details (name, bank, account number, and sort code) for reimbursements.
Original copies of the receipts will be collected during team meetings.


Help us provide our essential services to the ESEA migrant community.

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