New Report: UK agriculture and care visas: worker exploitation and obstacles to redress

Issues of politics and policy, as well as injustice and exploitation, are a few of the key findings in our new report, “UK agriculture and care visas: worker exploitation and obstacles to redress.”

Join us in celebrating the work of our collaborators, FLEX, @jcwi_uk, Dr. Inga Thiemann (@uniofleicester), Prof. Konstantinos Alexandris Polomarkakis (@royalholloway), Dr. Natalie Sedacca (@durhamuniversity), Dr. Manoj Dias-Abey (@universityofbristol), Dr. Joyce Jiang (@uniofyork), and our partner SEEAC (@seeac_uk).

This report adds to the growing body of evidence showing that the UK’s immigration and visa rules are fuelling exploitation and precarity among migrant workers. To ensure workers’ safety and rights, we recommend all work visas are made renewable, with access to state support and a pathway to settlement. In the meantime, among other changes, the Government must urgently establish safe reporting pathways, so everyone can report abuse regardless of immigration status, make it viable to change jobs in practice and abolish unjust repayment fees. ✊

Access the full report here:

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